Friday, April 1, 2016

Mission Heal's Motto: Educate a child, educate a Nation

What is a nation when its children lay in poverty and are illiterate? It is a known fact that illiteracy is the root cause of the other ailments caused to the society. Poverty, riots, alcohol and drug consumption as well as superstitions take birth because of illiteracy and lack of education. Lack of education leads to people thinking irrationally. Logic and reason escape them. These are the people instigating communal and political riots. It is necessary to curb these inadequacies of society by creating awareness in the society regarding the need for education for both women and children. Eradicating the society of illiteracy will reduce half the nation’s problems. The nation can then direct its resources for other needs of the society.

Various government organizations and NGO’s are working towards this project. Mission Heal is an NGO which has diverted all its energy towards educating young women as well as children. They believe in women's literacy because it wants to free them from the shackles women are bound in; giving them career options as well as fortifying their knowledge on being a better parent. Mission Heal also helps young children by organizing various events to guide them on the righteous path. Mission Heal also helps in environmental protection through its various activities. It is also necessary to know that Mission Heal is an NGO without any political or any religious backgrounds.

Mission Heal leads by setting examples to other NGO’s. It has split into many groups to reach farther to people. Mission Heal has organized free Medical Camps as well donation of books for the poor. They also organize free midday meals for the needy. Clothes are also distributed to these children. Mission Heal asks the support of all of us for supporting this cause. Donations are gladly accepted. Personal help is also a way you can add to this organization.

We, the educated people of India should understand the consequences of illiteracy. But what causes people to hesitate to learn and grow. There are various reasons why children drop out of school or why the attrition rate is so high. Poverty and family background is the main reason for this. Poverty restrains families to sending children for schooling. These children later turn out to become not what they could have been if luck had been on their side. Similarly the family background of the potential student matters. If he comes from a family that is reluctant to send him from schooling then it is difficult for that child to gain a formal education. Poverty is linked to such a kind of family background in many cases. Women, on the other hand, are suppressed from getting educated, which occurs mainly in the rural areas. Literacy for the interested women is necessary for them to understand and take control of the situations around them. After all, education is for one and all.

So is it not time to help the people who are in need? Our passive behavior will affect the society and nation. It is time to give back to the people who need it.

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