Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mission heal | Realities VS Strategies for Mission Heal Fund Raising

It is not just the Mission Heal, but all other NGOs do face a lot of challenges in making money for their projects. The challenges might be difficult for different NGOs, but the objectives remain the same. This difference in challenges results in different strategies adopted by the NGOs. It is because of their particular dynamics, needs and the planning they have to generate funds. There is a possibility that they do have the wrong approach, but the right attitude with sincere efforts is all that matter. Further, the realities are also different for the NGOs as compared to the strategies they make. Their main idea should always be to come up with some useful strategy which is closer to the ground realities. If this point is missing, then the things can be very difficult for the NGOs to handle. They may also choose to change their strategy right in between a project or a fundraising campaign when they realize that they need a shift because of the exiting ground realities. A late shift might not make the results that much fruitful, but still they will be a step closer towards reality.

The Realities VS Strategies for the NGOs fund raising campaign:
Fundraising is a very serious project for the NGOs which is always an ongoing one. The following are some realities and typical strategies of the NGOs in fund raising as given by Mission Heal:
·        Reality – It is fairly easier to get funds for a small program, but difficult to get it on the long term basis.

·        Strategy – The strategy here should be to devise a long term funding program, but a good way of doing this is to divide it into smaller manageable chunks. This will ensure continuous inflow of funds if the dedication and right planning is there.

·        Reality – The number of NGOs are growing and most of them are using the traditional mechanism and sources for generating the funds.

·        Strategy – If this is the case or the challenges for the NGOs then they must look to develop a much diversified range of the donors. The Mission Heal NGO believes that in such situations all the options should be considered and even those which you think wouldn’t be that much productive. The NGOs in such situations must look for local, national and international sources of donors as well.

·        Reality –Most of the donors today give small donations than what is actually required. It may be because of their limited budget or they don’t want to give that much because of different doubts they have about the NGOs.

·        Strategy – The strategy here is to look beyond the local donors. It is a common observation that closer the donor, smaller the funding amount. Most of the NGOs make good money from distant donors. But, the small donations shouldn’t be neglected as penny-penny makes many which is a very important rule of thumb for the NGOs.

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