Monday, June 8, 2015

Mission Heal Ngo : Challenges faced by the Mission Heal NGO

Challenges are common to NGOs and they have to tackle a lot of small and big challenges on a daily basis. Motivation of the NGO staffs, especially the founders and the top executive management is critically important to face such issues. The MissionHeal NGO is no different organization in this regard and they have their share of challenges to be dealt with on a daily basis. Most of the challenges for an NGO are mainly about the donors and donations. The Mission Heal NGO accepts that fundraising is the most difficult job for an NGO today. Sometimes they face a lot of difficulty in approaching their current and potential donors as well. On the other side, the NGOs complaints that sometimes the donors have very high and impractical expectations and ask very difficult questions which most of the representative of the NGOs fail to answer satisfactorily.

The reasons behind failure of NGOs:
An NGO can fail because of a number of reasons. India is dominated by a lot of small scale NGOs who comes into existence by just a single person’s effort. Such organizations take time to settle down with the acquiring of the resources and funds. If they fail to meet the resource requirement and the adequate funds, then obviously such NGOs collapse badly and have to terminate their operation. The small size of NGOs also faces huge problems in targeting the requirements of the community due to their limited resources. It means that a good intention of the founding person is not enough to run a successful NGO. Rather, there is a need for the NGOs to have several dedicated people laying the foundation stone of the NGO having a clear vision and objectives. Otherwise, a weak foundation would always result in the failure of the NGO sooner or later. The MissionHeal NGO is blessed to have a strong foundation which is always helping the NGO in all its operational and administrative efforts. Following are some of the other reasons of the failure of NGOs:
  • Weak administrative and management skills can quickly result in the failure of an NGO.
  • The NGOs are required to have good accountability systems for the satisfaction of all stakeholders. A lot of NGOs are biased in this regard as they have a much better accountability system for the foreign donors while accountability for the national donors is not up to the mark. This is where the NGOs struggle and several times fails miserably.
  • A lot of NGOs have the ego of working alone and they don’t seek help from any other NGO or the government when actually they should take it. Time has seen several such egoistic NGOs failing badly in meeting the requirements of the people of the community.
  • Donors donate funds by asking the NGOs to fulfill their expectations with the money they are giving. Several NGOs who fail to meet the requirements of the donors also fail to survive.

How to Register an NGO like Mission Heal in India.?

In a developing economy like India, the NGOs like Mission Heal are playing a big role in bridging the gap between the government and the public. They help the public by helping them in getting their fundamental rights in a more organized way by working closer to the public as compared to the government bodies. These NGOs need to register themselves before they can operate freely and on a much wider scale. The currently operating NGOs also need to renew their registration after it gets expired. It is a sophisticated procedure and it needs to be carefully tackled in order to get your NGO registered.

Basic Requirement for Registering an NGO in India:
Following are some of the basic requirements as devised by Mission Heal NGO in order to register an NGO in India:
  • ·        The NGOs first need a free of charge registration form which can be acquired from the district registrar’s office.
  • ·        A memorandum of association and also the NGOs need to set up rules and regulations of all operational, management and administrative activities.
  • ·        All the members of the management committee need to submit their consent letters. The management committee for any scale NGO needs to have at least 7 members in its committee.
  • ·        The authority letter of the NGO is the next requirement which should be duly signed by all the members of the management committee of the NGO.
  • ·        A copy of the rules and regulations of the NGO is required, which should be certified and duly signed by at least 3 members of the management committee.
  • ·        The members of the management committee of the NGO also require to submit a declaration which states that the funds acquired by the NGO from donors or any other means should be used solely for the purpose of progressing the aims and objectives of the company.
  • ·        There can be severe penalties imposed on the NGO if it is found guilty of using their funds for any other reason than using it for the progress of their aims and objectives. Such breach of rules and code of conduct can also result in the cancellation of their registration.
  • ·        If any previously employed government servant holds the elective office of the NGO, then he is also required to submit a previous sanction of the government from the concerned ministry in order to progress with the registration procedure of the NGO.

Registration Procedure:

All the documents described in the above section are mandatory for the registration process of your NGO. According to Mission Heal NGO, all these documents need to be submitted at the NGO’s local district registrar’s office along with the application fee. The registration fee for the registration of any NGO is just 50 INR. When the registrar’s office receive your NGO’s registration documents and the application fee, the office issues you a certificate of registration enabling you to operate for social welfare of the society.

Aims and Objectives of Mission Heal NGO - missionheal

NGOs or the non government organizations refer to those kinds of organizations which is independent from government control. The Mission Heal is one such NGO which is funded by the donations from the public individuals, the government and also by their members as well. They work for the welfare of the community at the community, regional, national or international level. The aims and objectives of different NGOs vary as the focus of each NGO is different. However, the Mission Heal NGO believes that the agenda of all the NGOs is same which is the wellness of the community.

Long term Aims of Mission Heal NGO:
The Mission Heal NGO has a vision and some long term goals which set up the current and future operation of the NGO. As an example, there is one NGO which is working for the human rights while another NGO is working for a better environment for the community. If this is the case, then it is mentioned on the website of both the NGOs. These are actually the long term aims or goals of the NGO and this thing helps us in distinguishing between the diverse interests of different NGOs. The establishment of such long term aims or goals is critically important because some of the important instances, such as a full fledge war in a country can cause similar actions by a number of international organizations such as the World Assembly Youth and the International Law Association. So these international bodies by knowing the long term goals of the NGOs can help the local community and the affected people by joining hands and providing help to the war victims in a more profound and organized way. The internet is a big medium these days and such international bodies can easily find out their intended NGOs in case of any emergency, disaster or war. It is for this reason that all of the NGOs should have their long term goals which are clearly defined on their website.

Short term or the immediate goals:

The short term goals of the Mission heal NGO are as important as their long term goals. The general vision of any NGO is endorsed by their immediate or the short term goals. The short term goals of an NGO mainly include their daily activities. As an example, if an NGO is working on the health sector in a particular community, then the short term goals of this NGO would be to check the supply of equipment, ensuring that the hospital staff is working properly and also the feedback of the people of the community who they are serving. A timely and quick reaction to all the unexpected events should be in the scope of short term goals of an NGO. The NGOs have to equip themselves with all the material and financial resources in order to be prepared for any unexpected situation. The monitoring of such short term goals should also be done on a daily basis.

Missionhealngo | Accountability of Mission Heal NGO

The Mission Heal NGO is a well renowned organization working for the people of India. It has many achievements in a lot of social welfare structure and for this reason it is a role model for many upcoming NGOs. The NGOs have many sophisticated operations and activities to perform which raises several other challenges for the NGOs as well. All the NGOs, including MissionHeal are accountable to a lot of stakeholders. The NGOs might be answerable right in between a challenging ongoing project and they are liable to all their stakeholders about the usage of resources, finances and all the activities that they perform.

Accountability of NGOs to several stakeholders:  
Following is a list of those key stakeholders who held NGOs accountable for their operational activities, administrative process and the usage of resources including finance:
  1. The NGOs main accountability is towards the donors who sponsor all of the projects and activities of the NGOs.
  2.  The NGOs are registered with the regulatory bodies that also held them accountable under the rules and regulations devised by them.
  3. The NGOs are also accountable to a number of their clients who purchase products and services from the NGOs.
  4. The NGOs also work in partnership with their allies and government bodies who also held them accountable for their social welfare work for the benefit of the society.
  5. The government also held NGOs accountable for the nature of work done by the NGOs.
  6. The staff and all the volunteers working for the NGO also hold it accountable for the services they provide to the people of the community.
  7. The NGOs are also accountable to those key members who are looking to be represented by the NGO.
All the above mentioned entities are the stakeholders of the NGO who seek transparent accountability for all the stakes that they hold in the NGO. The Mission Heal NGO is proud to say that they have always justified the use of resources, services and donations to all their stakeholders very transparently. All NGOs are similarly required to be fully answerable in every way to all their stakeholders.

Responsibilities of NGOs:
The management of the NGOs has to take the lion’s share of all the accountability challenges thrown at the NGO. They should find out that what stakeholders are expecting from them. The NGOs in such circumstances should always think like their stakeholders that what consequence would come if such and such thing happens or they fail to meet their prospects. The management of any NGO should ask themselves the following questions:
  • Is the NGO accountable to their stakeholders on any kind of moral grounds to any of the stakeholders? Further, are we as an NGO accountable about the domain of the operations performed?
  • Is the NGO accountable for any legal issue to the stakeholder?
  • Is the NGO accountable on any prudential issues with respect to any stakeholder in terms of any threat to the organization?