Monday, June 8, 2015

Aims and Objectives of Mission Heal NGO - missionheal

NGOs or the non government organizations refer to those kinds of organizations which is independent from government control. The Mission Heal is one such NGO which is funded by the donations from the public individuals, the government and also by their members as well. They work for the welfare of the community at the community, regional, national or international level. The aims and objectives of different NGOs vary as the focus of each NGO is different. However, the Mission Heal NGO believes that the agenda of all the NGOs is same which is the wellness of the community.

Long term Aims of Mission Heal NGO:
The Mission Heal NGO has a vision and some long term goals which set up the current and future operation of the NGO. As an example, there is one NGO which is working for the human rights while another NGO is working for a better environment for the community. If this is the case, then it is mentioned on the website of both the NGOs. These are actually the long term aims or goals of the NGO and this thing helps us in distinguishing between the diverse interests of different NGOs. The establishment of such long term aims or goals is critically important because some of the important instances, such as a full fledge war in a country can cause similar actions by a number of international organizations such as the World Assembly Youth and the International Law Association. So these international bodies by knowing the long term goals of the NGOs can help the local community and the affected people by joining hands and providing help to the war victims in a more profound and organized way. The internet is a big medium these days and such international bodies can easily find out their intended NGOs in case of any emergency, disaster or war. It is for this reason that all of the NGOs should have their long term goals which are clearly defined on their website.

Short term or the immediate goals:

The short term goals of the Mission heal NGO are as important as their long term goals. The general vision of any NGO is endorsed by their immediate or the short term goals. The short term goals of an NGO mainly include their daily activities. As an example, if an NGO is working on the health sector in a particular community, then the short term goals of this NGO would be to check the supply of equipment, ensuring that the hospital staff is working properly and also the feedback of the people of the community who they are serving. A timely and quick reaction to all the unexpected events should be in the scope of short term goals of an NGO. The NGOs have to equip themselves with all the material and financial resources in order to be prepared for any unexpected situation. The monitoring of such short term goals should also be done on a daily basis.

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